Topic outline

  • Instructor information and book to teach

    Existing instructors teaching overseas

    Current ALSG instructors can offer their services to teach on provider courses outside their own country, as long as they are fluent in the language that the course is delivered in. Generally speaking, international flight costs would not be covered by the course centres in these situations, but local travel and hotel costs may be. If you are a full ALSG Instructor and are interested in teaching on a course overseas, please click here to view the dates and venues and book directly with the course organiser.

    Existing instructors wanting to convert to another ALSG course

    ALSG instructors are already eligible or can easily convert to instruct on other ALSG courses. For instance:

    • APLS instructors are eligible to instruct on PLS courses
    • mMOET and PHPLS instructors can convert to POET instructors by completing the POET on-line learning and one IC placement

    It may therefore be easier than you thought to instruct on other ALSG courses in your area. Please click here
    for further information.

    Instructors earn 1 ALSG teaching credit for each course day they instruct on and are allowed to teach on single days of courses, as long as they teach on the minimum requirement for their provider course type (see below).

    Credibility: Instructors are required to teach on one course each year, for each ALSG provider course type they teach on, to maintain credibility.   There is no annual teaching requirement for the Facilitation course, GIC, 1-day provider courses or recertification courses, but instructors will earn ALSG teaching credits by teaching on these courses.

    Commitment: Instructors are required to earn 5 ALSG teaching credits every 2 years.  This is the minimum commitment for maintaining instructor status. It is acknowledged that many instructors may benefit their own CPD by teaching on more courses and also by supporting allied courses such as the GIC, PLS etc

    Currency: For ALSG VLE format courses instructors will be required to complete the e-module topics every 2 years. Instructors will earn 1 x ALSG teaching credit for completing all the e-modules.

    Instructor status is valid for 4 years from the time full instructor status is achieved. 

    After 4 years, instructors should re-certify. Instructors do not have to re-certify as providers.

    All faculty teaching on ALSG courses must be recognised instructors or instructor candidates.  To become a recognised instructor you need to be recommended during your provider course, when the faculty will be looking for candidates who show instructor potential.  The criteria used for this assessment are as follows:

    1. Credibility

    2. Communication skills

    3. Enthusiasm for course

    4. Ability to critique

    5. Interactive/ supportive of other members

    6. Team member

    The final recommendation is the decision of the entire faculty and is made at the final faculty meeting. Candidates who are recommended will be contacted following the course and invited to undertake a Generic Instructor Course (GIC), if they successfully complete the GIC they will become instructor candidates and will be further assessed on the first 2 courses they teach on.

    Faculty teaching on courses are not paid but should receive full travel and accommodation expenses from the course centre where they are teaching.

    CPRR self nomination

    Consultants, Associate Specialists and Named or Designated Nurses as well as Candidates who have completed CPiP, can apply to be CPRR Instructors.  You must have attended a GIC or equivalent course or can show your teaching experience with your CV.  You must view a CPRR course before completing your Facilitation course.  Please complete this form to express your intertest in becoming a CPRR Instructor.

    Expression of Interest form

    To re-establish active instructor status you will need to complete the on-line topics for the course you wish to teach on, via the ALSG website, and also book to teach on a face-to-face course within 3 months of completing the topics. For information on accessing the instructor e-modules click here.

    To access your profile on the ALSG website; log on by clicking the link at the top of the screen. Use the links in the menu to get to the e-modules.

    For courses without an e-module element, please contact ALSG for further information.