Topic outline

  • Acute Medical Emergencies

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    We have been working with the NTSP to deliver tracheostomy training to all multidisciplinary staff who might encounter patients with tracheostomies and laryngectomies. 

    We are currently focusing on providing training and resources to equip staff to teach tracheostomy safety courses in their own institutions. Our ‘Train the Trainer’ Courses demonstrate the content and resources of our provider course alongside specific educational strategies to help candidates deliver effective teaching at their own institutions. Expert medical educators work alongside experienced ALSG instructors to demonstrate skills and techniques used in ALSG Generic Instructor Courses, adapted to delivering tracheostomy course content. Candidates will be exposed to guided practice of small and large group facilitation of discussions and presentations, low fidelity emergency scenario simulation and performance of specific tracheostomy-related skills. There is some pre-course reading and e-learning and we ask candidates to prepare material to practice delivering in the day, with feedback.

    Our aim is to ensure that tracheostomy education is provided to a high standard by training and facilitating effective teaching, wherever it is needed.

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