Acute Psychiatric Emergencies (APEx) focuses on the emergency care of patients presenting with acute psychiatric crisis. The course is designed to deliver the necessary knowledge and skills to trainees in both emergency medicine and psychiatry as well as to nursing and other allied health professionals that are involved in their care. It will allow a shared understanding of the problem and also foster a common language between professionals that expedites excellent care.
The 3-day APEx course comprises of a flexible 1-day on-line component (VLE) and a 2-day face-to-face course.
Candidates who have taken this course are Psychiatric Liaison Nurses, Emergency Nurse Practitioners, Consultant Paramedics.
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** APEx Instructor selection
There are two potential routes for becoming an APEx instructor:
Route 1: Existing ALSG instructors with an appropriate clinical background may
self-nominate to convert to becoming an APEx instructor. This process involves
completion of the APEx e-modules. There is no requirement to attend the
Facilitation course, but past instructors have found it extremely helpful for
input into the more nuanced facilitation style required.
Route 2: During the APEx provider courses, the faculty will review candidates
using a structured matrix to assess their suitability for instructor training.
Candidates who are recommended will need to complete the