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  • About us

    The journey so far
    Mission and values
    ALSG is a world leader influencing and providing innovative life saving training for everyone responding to medical emergencies and our mission is to save lives by providing training. Our core values reflect what is truly important to us as an organisation and are the underpinning of our culture. They guide our actions and inform the way we work and behave as an organisation.


    ALSG is a world leader influencing and providing innovative life saving training for everyone responding to medical emergencies.


    Saving lives by providing training


    Our values are part of our DNA. They provide a framework in which guides the way we work and engage with our customers, stakeholders and with each other – they ultimately influence and shape our culture.


    Meet the team
    Click on the photo to learn more about each of our Trustees


    Leadership team


    APLS - Where it all began

  • Articles

      Continuous assessment

    Working at homeALSG realised a number of years ago that we cannot safely assess our candidates on the level of their clinical care, ability to work with colleagues, communication skills, professionalism in a single moment, in one high-stakes test. Through studying assessment literature, we learned that putting all of our faith in one summative assessment was based on a number of flawed assumptions.

    We took the decision to move to a form of ongoing or multiple assessment, realising that repeated sampling and triangulation by different assessors were both essential. We recognised that the students needed to be far more involved in the process and have agency and be heard, therefore they needed more meaningful and ongoing feedback. This meant putting much more emphasis on assessment for learning, guiding and coaching.

    We've made adaptations over the last few years, learning from our successes and our challenges. We will keep on doing this and striving to improve the experience for our candidates. We are on an exciting journey.

    Listen to Kate Denning, ALSG’s Director of Education talk about the benefits of continuous assessment where she outlines that exams have a place but are also just a moment in time, whilst outlining the advantages of continuous assessment over a two day training programme.



      Keeping active, keeping your mind healthy

    Working at homeIt’s easy to become inactive and yes, it’s important to relax and have some ‘down time’ but long periods of inertia are not good for the mind, soul or body.

    But what to do? Who doesn’t have a dumping drawer or a space under the sink with lots of useless items that have never seen the light of day in years or hasn’t been used? Get your bin bags and load it all up. It’s an opportunity to tackle those things that you don’t have the inclination to get stuck into, for example having a good clear out of all your filing and paperwork.

    Getting up and getting ready to face the day is extremely important and getting fresh air too. A walk round the block or if you have a garden, tackle it. A lot of garden centres are doing online deliveries so have a look on the internet and if you don’t have a garden, then think about window boxes.

    Moving is so important for your body to help the blood circulate, to get your muscles moving and there’s a lot a person can do at home.

    Start doing stretches on the floor and loosening up or in your chair, if you feel fit enough, run up and down the stairs. If you live in a block of flats, use the stairs and not the elevator or jog on the spot in your living room to music.

    You could even create a daily workout in the house and of course there are many online classes but at the heart of it, just get moving.

  • Case studies

    A selection of case studies from candidates who have attended ALSG Obstetric courses.


      A day in the life of ...
    Marijke Van Eerd tells us what it's like as an ALSG volunteer. Read more here


  • NEWS

      2024 Summer Newsletter
      2023 Annual Report and Accounts

    Click on the image to view the report

      New APLS Working Group Chair announced

    We are delighted to introduce you to the newly appointed Chair of the Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) Working Group, Dr Bimal Mehta. Bimal is currently one of the APLS Working Group Vice Chairs and a Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine at Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool, and brings a wealth of expertise and dedication to this pivotal role.

    Bimal’s journey with APLS began as a candidate in 1998, and his commitment to paediatric emergency care has been unwavering. As an instructor and advocate, he has contributed significantly to the development of APLS 7e, a milestone achievement for the organisation.

    “I value the important contribution APLS has made to improving provision of safe care to the sickest children and saving lives around the world; and understand that it is vital to maintain both its quality and standing.

    Being Chair is a responsible role and not one to be taken on lightly. Working together I believe we will keep APLS not just relevant, but the best there is, keeping true to ALSG’s mission statement.” Bimal Mehta.

    The outgoing chair, Stephanie Smith, a respected retired Emergency Paediatrician, leaves behind an indelible legacy. Having Attended her first APLS course in Sheffield back in 1995, and going on to become an instructor, Stephanie’s passion and leadership have shaped the group’s continuing success. Her pride in APLS reflects the tireless effort she invested in its development. Bimal will formally take over the reins in September 2024, and we eagerly anticipate the positive impact he will bring to the APLS community.

      International Nurses Day 2024

    Food for thought – 1

    It’s great news that this year’s International Nurses’ Day theme from the WHO is “Our Nurses.  Our Future. The Economic Power of Care”, as this brings into focus the poor investment in the ongoing training of the nursing workforce.

    The NHS is under constant budgetary constraints and in 2016 it was announced that *nurses’ bursaries were being removed from 1 August 2017. This was because formal education was converted into university degrees and nursing students would access the student loan scheme.

    Having qualified and accrued debt at university, nurses are also having to self-fund training for their required CPD. On top of this many Trusts are expecting nurses to use their annual leave to attend training. 

    Shouldn’t our nurses be valued, especially on International Nurses’ Day?  ALSG is suggesting CPD study budgets for training is made available to all post-graduate nurses and ring-fenced going forward.

    Clearly the WHO see our nurses as vital by making the theme this year about ‘the economic power of care.’  Food for thought.

    * The NHS Bursary Scheme new rules (publishing.service.gov.uk) pg 5, item V.

    Food for thought – 2

    The WHO has chosen to focus this year’s International Nurses’ Day on “Our Nurses.  Our Future. The Economic Power of Care.”

    With budgetary restrictions across the NHS, it is estimated waiting lists will reach 8 million by this Summer[1].

    Nurses are arguably the backbone of the NHS and to not fund their CPD, seems counter-productive, especially as it is a requirement to fulfil their obligatory education.

    According to the Royal College of Nursing report[2], 13 February 2023, tens of thousands of skilled and experienced nursing staff are leaving the profession, with many of those aged 21 to 50.

     Whilst the report recognises there are other factors such as the need for better “workforce planning”, it also cites retention strategies are needed which includes a clear path in career progression. That surely can be viewed as investing in nurses’ training.

    To invest in our nurses, funding needs to be a cast-iron commitment for every Trust. This investment will not only allow nurses to advance their careers more clearly but recognises that investment is ‘the power of care’ and is empowering as well as impactful. Food for thought.

      New Trustees
    Two new Trustees joined the board, click here to read all about our new members.
      GIC in Uganda with NICHE International
    The Neonatal Care Course (NCC) is expanding in Uganda after 12 candidates undertook @_ALSG_ Generic Instructor Course. They taught NCC for two days with supervision from @NICHE delivering the course. They are now able to deliver NCC as fully qualified instructors. #SavingLives

      30 years of APLS - where did it all begin?
    Read all about the 30 year journey of APLS, where and how it all began here:

  • Vacancies

      GIC Educator vacancies
    Vacancy for Resuscitation Council UK and Advanced Life Support Group Generic Instructor Course (GIC) Educator.

    Are you passionate about equipping the next generation of life support course instructors with the skills they need to deliver high-quality life support training?

    If so, then apply to become a Generic Instructor Course Educator. The Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) and Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) are two charities that specialise in formulating and teaching life support. We are looking to appoint additional Educators to join our existing team of Educators, responsible for facilitating Generic Instructor Courses and contributing to educational developments across our organisations.

    As a GIC Educator, you would play a hugely important role in developing the life support course instructors of the future. You would provide direction, specialist knowledge, decision-making and leadership to GIC faculties and candidates, and ensure those embarking on their own instructor journey embody the ethos and commitment to high-quality and inclusive life support training delivery. You will be passionate about the continual improvement and development of GIC courses.

    Attracting a diverse group of GIC Educator applicants is a priority for us so we are also asking applicants to complete a diversity monitoring form. We will not use the information provided during the recruitment process itself, but the information we receive will help us to understand whether we are attracting a diverse group of applicants to these vacancies.

    To apply, you must be able to demonstrate familiarity with issues in continuing medical and healthcare education and have a sound understanding of the principles and practices of adult education. If you are a graduate in adult or healthcare education with at least two years’ experience of teaching in higher education and hold a relevant post-graduate qualification in adult education, this is an excellent opportunity to make a difference. Job and person specifications can be found here.

    Educators are normally appointed for a period of three years, but this may be reviewed at any time as considered necessary by either party.

    For more information, please click here for the job description and person specification. If you are interested in applying for the post and would like an informal call, please email: giceducator@alsg.org

    Applicants should submit a CV and covering letter via the following link: https://bit.ly/GICEdapply

    • Closing date: 21 June 2024
    • Interview dates: 26 July, 6 August & 7 August Location: Manchester or via Zoom

      ALSG Trustee

    We are seeking a new Trustee with a medical education background to work with the Chair, other Board members and staff in helping us to continue our journey and achieve our important and impactful strategic objectives. As our new CEO, Sinead Kay takes on the leadership role, we are looking to bolster our Trustee board with a specialist in education to support our ambition to continue to save lives and ensure that patients, education and learning are at the heart of all that we do.

    Our new Trustee will bring senior level experience and first time Trustees will be considered and supported if appointed. We are interested in hearing from potential Trustees with experience in medical education.

    If you would like to join us on our journey, please click here to go to our online form where you can find out more about ALSG and also the role of a Trustee before deciding if you would like to go ahead and apply.

    For an informal, confidential discussion about the role, please contact Sinead Kay, CEO by email skay@alsg.org.

    Closing date for applications is the 29th July 2022

  • Thought leadership

      Working remotely

    There have been various articles and social media comments about the ‘good, the bad and the ugly’ when working from home. It really comes down to each company or NHS organisation’s attitude as well as their individual approach to the practicalities. Click here for more...

      NHS Pension flexibility for other clinicians

    Sue Wieteska, CEO of Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) comments on the recent announcement by the government to change pensions to be more flexible. 

    “With a lot of consultants leaving or reducing their hours due to the Tapered Annual Allowance which can affect their pension contributions and sees some facing increased tax bills, it is excellent news that the government has listened to the British Medical Association (BMA) www.bma.org.uk/ who have been at the forefront of highlighting the issues.

    “The government is putting out a consultation paper which I welcome with open arms however, shouldn’t the whole health sector be reviewed and be included in this new flexible approach which is expected to be implemented? What about dentists? What about nurses and other medical professionals?

    “Easing rules is an excellent idea to keep people in the profession for as long as possible but surely it shouldn’t just be aimed at high earners only, and shouldn’t the government take a consistent approach?"

    Read the article here

      Reinstating Student Nurses' Bursary

    In Scotland Nicola Sturgeon announced last year at her party conference that student nurses would have a bursary of £8,100pa rising to £10,000 in 2020. Click here for the full article

    Sue Wieteska, CEO of Advanced Life Support Group, said:  

    “Scotland is taking an important step with this decision, as it is clear there’s a direct correlation between being supported with funding which is the case in Scotland for student nurses, and the rise in recruitment.   

    “Other Governments could learn this easy lesson if it recognises the need to increase nurses entering the profession, as well as the retention of staff, it must ensure a portion of funding is ring-fenced for training. 

    “At ALSG, an organisation which has been at the forefront of training doctors, nurses and other clinicians for now more than 25 years, I have anecdotal evidence that the profession simply doesn’t feel financially supported.   

    “This is by no means empirical evidence but it does gives a real insight into the monetary struggle nurses in particular find to revalidate.  Isn’t it time to literally ‘put your money where your mouth is’?”

      Admission to hospital

    Sue Wieteska, CEO of Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) commented on the news report from ITV News in research undertaken by NHS England and NHS Improvement. The findings has cited admissions to emergency hospitals are from residents in care homes. 

    Sue said: “The statistic of 41% suggests these admissions could be significantly reduced as some conditions don’t necessarily require hospital admission and care homes need support to achieve this.

    “Interestingly, ALSG and the Manchester Triage Group working with NWAS (North West Ambulance Services) has adapted its world recognised Manchester Triage Tool, to purposely fit and match requirements specific to care homes which is called Nursing and Triage Tool (NaRT).

    “Since NaRT’s implementation in more than 200 homes in the North West of England, we have seen significant reductions of transfers to EDs from care homes which is not only good news for hospitals relieving pressure on resources but great news for residents who prefer to remain in their own environment and familiar surroundings.” 

    Read the news report here


    Sue Wieteska, CEO for Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) comments on the benefits of undertaking a research bursary.

    “Bursaries are imperative to the progression of a specific field and this is particularly vital to healthcare. Undertaking research delivers evidence and new strategies to clinical approaches whilst advancing specialty areas.

    Involving health care staff is also necessary in any research as this improves standards as well as engaging clinicians who have day-to-day experience and knowledge within the health sector and it would be imprudent to overlook their contribution.

  • Partners